Lights are on again

Times Correspondent

GARY n Developers who proposed converting the shuttered Sheraton Hotel into a senior housing project and an office/retail complex revealed details of their plan shortly after a news conference on Thursday.

The plan includes 120 apartments for independent seniors, 120 apartments for seniors who need assisted living care, 10 condominiums for anyone who wants to live at the Sheraton, and two floors of businesses, including medical offices and retail stores.

Construction on the project is scheduled to begin in the fall and seniors are expected to be able to move into the renovated ex-hotel in the summer of 2008, said architect Phillip Kupritz and senior housing developer Nachshon Draiman.

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Administrative Structure.

            The actual financial management and strategic planning of Future Associates and its affiliates is the responsibility of its talented executive staff.  Mr. Draiman’s involvement  in Success National Bank as a major stockholder and member of its board of directors contributed to his financial insights.  Future has been able to foster greater productivity by instituting bulk buying practices which eliminates the “middle man”, by creatively financing capital expenditures, and by using innovative, specific technique of refinancing existing mortgages to improve cash flow.  Future’s management has also concentrated on attracting particular market segments with services designed especially for its specific needs. Many outside organizations come to Future for its expert management advice and consultation.  Future has totally reorganized many of these organizations. They completely re-budgeted their resources to better correspond to the organization’s objectives and then trained their staff to work toward these goals.  Today, the success of these organizations as well as those providers directly affiliated with Future illustrates its management skill.

            Throughout all of its activities, Future has sought to surround itself with a vast network of human service organizations and professionals.  Each health care facility and human service program maintains a complete staff of physicians, specialists and professional consultants (e.g., physical therapists, social workers).  Future has also developed working relationships with many public and private social welfare agencies ranging from the Mayors Office on Senior Citizens and the Handicapped, to the Jewish Council for the Elderly. By having good working relationships with such professionals and organizations, Future is able to immediately call on their service and/or advice to quickly solve the client’s problems.  Future continues to expand its network of providers in order to identify new areas of service as well as to better serve the needs of existing clients
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